Graphic recording creates engagement and energy, in live meetings as well as in online meetings!

Nice to meet you! I am a graphic recorder, excited to join your live or online event, drawing on paper or scribing digitally.
Graphic recording, also known as visual notes or visual scribing, is drawing while people talk, in service of those people. For example at conferences, meetings, all kinds of dialogues...
I am an excellent listener, and am experienced in drawing the essence of the conversation. I believe this to be the power of graphic recording: to bring forward important parts and openings. It creates clarity and focus.
Therefore, the added value is not (only) a beautiful or funny drawing - it's not an art for art's sake, but the drawing is in service of what's happening in the group, and supports people to see, reflect and remember. That's why this kind of work is part of what we call the 'social arts'.
Have a look at the top and bottom of this page for some examples of my work as a graphic recorder! If you're interested, also take a look at the page 'generative scribing' - which is about deeper levels of listening and scribing.
I can do both digital graphic recording (online or offline events) or graphic recording on large paper.
What is the difference between 'graphic recording' and 'graphic facilitation'?
It can be extra valuable to let participants join in creating a drawing, for example in a separate session where the content of the image is being co-created through an interactive process. This is called graphic facilitation, and it's a creative process in which participants are active players. The graphic facilitator would be guiding this process. In Graphic recording, the person drawing would be the 'second person', next to other facilitators or speakers, in service of what is happening in the room.
How much does graphic recording cost?
Graphic recording rates can vary a lot, in my experience usually a less experienced graphic recorder has a lower rate. I know what it takes to really 'be' in a space as a graphic recorder - a lot of self-development (investment in my own state of being, my ability to hold space for others and to listen) lots of practice, focus, a 360 degrees awareness in the moment, and on a thousand things at the same time (what am I hearing, what am I sensing, choosing what to draw and how, what color to use, how much time is left, what is that person doing, what am I feeling, how can I be of service right now, sensing a change in energy.... - oh that's a good quote! write it down! -, break? not for me, I have some drawing to do! ;-))
I work with standard rates per half day and for a full day, that include preparation time up front, and finishing time afterwards. Contact me if you are curious!